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The statements below apply to any content such as pages, documents, videos, images, sound files and computer code (the "material") created for or contained within the website (www.turtlesat.org.au and www.feralscan.org.au) by the Invasive Animals CRC and the FeralScan project partners. This material is subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), and it is owned by the Invasive Animals CRC and the FeralScan project partners.

What you can do without written permission (general license)

The FeralScan project partners and the Invasive Animals CRC encourage the availability, dissemination and exchange of information contained in the website. You may copy, distribute, display, download and otherwise freely deal with the material for any purpose, on the condition that you include the copyright notice © Invasive Animals CRC and the FeralScan Steering Committee on all uses.
You may also freely link to material on the listed websites without requesting permission.
Any copyright statement included within material on the listed websites overrides this general license. This general license does not extend to any materials that are owned by others, even though they may be published on the listed websites.

When you need to get permission

You must obtain permission from the FeralScan project if you wish to publish the material to another website, charge others for access to the material (other than at cost), include the material in advertising or a product for sale, and/or modify the material in any way. To request such permission, please contact the FeralScan project by emailing feralscan@feralscan.org.au.


The statements below apply to any content such as pages, documents, videos, images, sound files and computer code (the "material") created by the Invasive Animals CRC on the following websites: www.turtlesat.org.au and www.feralscan.org.au

The Invasive Animals CRC is committed to enhancing the public availability, dissemination and exchange of information. The Invasive Animals CRC does not warrant nor represent that information contained on the listed websites is complete, current, reliable and/or free from error. These websites are not intended to be, and should not be relied upon as, the ultimate and complete source of information on any particular topic.

Content on the listed websites is subject to constant review and the information is subject to change or removal from the sites at any time.

The content which appears on the listed websites has been set up as an information source only and with the Invasive Animals CRCs desire to promote multiculturalism, tolerance and diversity in our society in mind. As such, you should appreciate that despite the efforts of the organisation to review and assess the suitability of these websites, some material which appears on these sites may cause offence or upset to some visitors. The Invasive Animals CRC regrets any such offence or upset caused. If you are offended or upset by any material appearing on the listed websites, or any sites linked to from these websites, please contact us. Alternatively, you may lodge a complaint with the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA). To find out more, visit the ACMA's website: http://www.acma.gov.au/

Links to other websites

As is the nature of the internet, the listed websites link to other sites on the internet. The Invasive Animals CRC:

  • does not represent that the material appearing on linked sites is complete, accurate or up-to-date;
  • does not necessarily endorse that material;
  • does not accept responsibility or liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense that you might incur as a result of using or relying on that material;
  • does not guarantee that any of the linked sites will be available at any particular time

Similarly, the fact that a site is not linked to from the listed websites does not necessarily imply any non-endorsement or criticism of that site by the organsiation.

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